Burger Maker

Burger Maker

Burgers Maker gives you so many amazing, exciting flavors and ingredients to play with!

There is a new cooking game in town, we call it the cooking of the most delicious, loved, amazing, juicy Burgers and sandwiches in the culinary world. People enjoy these every day and love it to bits. We introduce you our new cooking game but WAIT!! There is a twist, this is not a typical Cooking game rather it’s a cooking game for Burgers and Sandwiches .Yes!! You heard it right! This is our new application called as Cooking Games 


Technologies: Unity

Burgers Maker Mania, the ultimate Sandwich bakery game comes with the following sizzling, amazing, thrilling and exclusive Features:


– Variety of bread and buns

– Many options for meat including Chicken, mutton, beef and fish

– Variety of salads, meat, cheese, vegetables and spices

– Easy to choose from ingredients, patties, meat, cheese, vegetables!

– Garnish items including French Fries, Baked potato, Salads and sauces

Ready to create something amazing?

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Our edtech and gaming services provide a unique and engaging way for students to learn and practice various skills. By incorporating gaming elements, such as rewards and competition, into educational content, we make learning fun and interactive.